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28696 2020-01-16T13:28:13 12 [推荐]
设计机构: 美颂上镜室内建筑设计有限公司

日本YKK 展厅


日本建筑师藤本壮介在窗的试行中说到:“窗不是作为一个单纯的物体存在,而是伴随着某种空间”。本案的设计理念结合YKK 所提倡的“改善环境质量,推动绿色发展”与自然和谐共生的理念,因此展厅整体以纯白为主,大面积留白去展示产品。将产品改变思维转化成物质形式巧妙融入空间。在门厅内部从一个点上延伸出来三角平面,用了枯山微景观,“少而简”与窗不可缺失的功能降噪相合。给人内心恬静的安宁感。

The door and window system is very important in the whole residential system. It carries the firmness, safety and ductility of the building space. We take the square space as the design language to elaborate, just like an extended interior space, built inward and born outward, and the product system of doors and windows is also a openable barrier connecting the interior and exterior of the space. "The window does not exist as a simple object, but is accompanied by a certain space," Japanese architect Hiroshi Fujimoto said in the trial of the window. The design concept of this case combines the concept of "improving environmental quality, promoting green development" advocated by YKK and the concept of harmonious coexistence of nature. Therefore, the exhibition hall is mainly pure white, with a large area of white space to display products. Change the thinking of products into material forms and integrate them into space skillfully. In the hall, a triangular plane is extended from a point, and the Kushan micro landscape is used. The "few and simple" is consistent with the indispensable function noise reduction of windows. It gives a sense of inner peace.

会客厅侧面窗户的喷绘,给不算大的洽谈区带出了层次感,喷绘玻璃的效果无形中延伸了视野范围,增添了空间的深度感,另一方面也衬托出自然、环保的空间效果,仿佛置身于森林,下一刻生态精灵便要现身其中,同时暗扣YKK AP的环保理念,使之更加深入人心。

会客厅侧面窗户的喷绘,给不算大的洽谈区带出了层次感,喷绘玻璃的效果无形中延伸了视野范围,增添了空间的深度感,另一方面也衬托出自然、环保的空间效果,仿佛置身于森林,下一刻生态精灵便要现身其中,同时暗扣YKK AP的环保理念,使之更加深入人心。

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