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5877 2020-07-12T00:08:03 14
设计师: 李俊杰

关  于  空  间  的  设  计

             O N   T H E   D E S I G N   O F   S P A C E 


这是世茂广场一层大堂一部分,店铺位置十分显眼,设计突出品牌的产品重要性为目的。 This is part of the lobby on the first floor of Shimao Plaza. The location of the shop is very conspicuous. The design highlights the importance of brand products.



The restaurant uses the combination of retro and modern design techniques to define the spatial tonality with fashion, leisure and quickness, and guides the pace of entering the space to enhance the sense of interesting experience with the mobility of guests' space.




The dining room is decorated with dark green and brown sofas, geometric modeling and other soft furnishings of coconut trees, which makes people think of the wind blowing by the sea and taste the delicious dishes of coconut juice in the sun.



The natural feeling of space brings warmth to the restaurant. The carefully created beauty atmosphere embellishes the whole cool colors, including yours, mine and theirs.



项目名称  |  椰FUN

项目类型  |  商业用途
项目地址  |  长沙椰FUN世茂店

设计单位  |  线象空间设计

设计总监  |  李俊杰
项目面积  |  125m²

项目地点  |  湖南地区

主要用材  |  水磨大理石、黑白仿古砖、艺术涂料、生态木、水泥漆、胡桃木、水银镜、铝格栅……




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  • 李俊杰
  • 湖南-长沙
  • 需要优质装修设计服务吗? 委托设计

